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Information in English

We aim to be accessible to our patients and work hard to provide medical services of high quality and to provide good service to our patients. To book a regular appointment you can use our HelsaMi-app . We reply to your request during our office hours. For an emergency appointment you must call us on the same day.

We also have an agreement with SiT to help students who have not changed their family doctor while they are studying in Trondheim. We would however encourage all students who study in Trondheim to register with a family doctor in Trondheim. Remember that you can re-register with your previous doctor again later (if you do so within 3 years). Those who have not changed doctor or have special reasons for not doing so, are welcome to Øya medical center. Remember that students can contact the doctor they are registered with first, via video or telephone.


Mandag-fredag 08:00-15:00
(Lunsj kl 11:30-12:00)

(NB! onsdager kl 13:00-1430 pga møteavvikling)
Fredager kl 08:30-11:00
Husk og bestill time i forkant, da vi ikke har drop-in på lab.


Øya Legesenter
Prinsens gate 1 A, 7013 Trondheim
Inngang fra Tinghusgata, vi holder til i 1.etg i Statens Hus. Parkeringskjeller og parkering på gateplan.

Vis kart

Kontakt oss

Øya Legesenter
Postboks 2300 Torgarden, 7004 Trondheim

Telefon: 72543860
Bilde som representerer legekontoret